Multiple "SING" lines between staves do not format correctly

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Steven A
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:13 am

Multiple "SING" lines between staves do not format correctly

Post by Steven A »


I am transcribing some music into Musette for use by the choir of which I am a member.

I have two staves set up to record the music, the upper stave for the Soprano and alto and the lower stave for the tenor and bass.

I have left sufficient space between the two staves to record the words associated with the music. As most songs have several verses I am putting the first line of every verse between the first two staves, the second line of every verse between the second pair of staves, etc. Not really a problem until I come to use the "Format Lyrics" facility. When this function is used to align say the second line the third line immediately moves up and overlays the second line.

I am using the SING option and tabbing from note to note for each of the multiple lines between the staves.

Is there a sneaky work-around for this problem?


Steve Aldridge
Nos Galen 3 (Winter).mus
This is the result of selecting the first word of the second line and then using the "Format Lyrics" facility.
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Re: Multiple "SING" lines between staves do not format corre

Post by maestro »


I can't think of a direct workaround. As long as you use "tab" to advance to the next note, each verse will stay vertically aligned which is what "Format/Lyrics" does. I'll add this to the list of improvements for a future version. The only other comment I have is that lyrics attach to the closest staff, either above or below. If you want all three verses to attach to the upper staff, start the first word of each verse closer to the top staff. You can then reposition as needed below the previous lyric and use "tab" for the next syllable. Attaching all verses to the same staff lets you move them all together with "Format/Move All".
Steven A
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:13 am

Re: Multiple "SING" lines between staves do not format corre

Post by Steven A »


Thanks for the info. I guessed that it was related to the attachment of the words to the nearest stave. I even tried being clever and attaching different verse lines to the lower stave but it didn't seem to resolve the problem.


Steve Aldridge
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