Adding Text - Tab does not seem to work

In relation to text...another interesting thing happened. I added the text to the music and it looked perfect on the screen..but when I printed it out, the text was sometimes bunched together and did not match the screen view at all. As the tab did not seem to be working for me, I placed the text using the space bar...backspace/delete keys... Perhaps without the tab, it is not possible to place the text and print it out correctly? It just occurred to me that perhaps the tab function is only available on the upgrade? Thanks again.
This software by the way...is truly great! I was able to learn it so quickly! I liked that a lot.

Hi lauraine,
Are you using "text" or "sing" from the "Draw/Text" toolbar? You should use "sing" for lyrics. The "tab" key should work as advertised. Use "text" for everything else. The "tab" key doesn't move to the next note. Using spaces for alignment can cause problems as the printer might use different size spaces than your screen, and spacing won't change if you resize a measure or marked block. The help file explains some other differences between "text" and "sing".
Are you using "text" or "sing" from the "Draw/Text" toolbar? You should use "sing" for lyrics. The "tab" key should work as advertised. Use "text" for everything else. The "tab" key doesn't move to the next note. Using spaces for alignment can cause problems as the printer might use different size spaces than your screen, and spacing won't change if you resize a measure or marked block. The help file explains some other differences between "text" and "sing".
Hi Maestro,
Thank you for your prompt reply! I had tried both 'text' and 'sing'...but yes..that makes sense that it is an alignment problem between the printer and the screen. I tried it again being sure to select 'sing'..and it does seem to be working. I think I must have been in text rather than sing previously. This truly is a great tool! Thank you so much!
Thank you for your prompt reply! I had tried both 'text' and 'sing'...but yes..that makes sense that it is an alignment problem between the printer and the screen. I tried it again being sure to select 'sing'..and it does seem to be working. I think I must have been in text rather than sing previously. This truly is a great tool! Thank you so much!